Vote SCVA! The dog buttons …

Vote for SCVA @

A few weeks ago, after receiving a reviewers version of “Introducing Social Capital Value Add” one of the founders of suggested that I propose SCVA as a ChangeThis manifesto.   

This afternoon I received a phone call and email confirming that the Editorial Board at has accepted my proposal.  It should be posted for voting on their site tomorrow (May 20).

Distributing the SCVA idea through ChangeThis would be a great way to obtain the next round of feedback required to improve it.  Tom Peters, Chris Anderson, Gladwell, Seth Godin, Toronto’s recently attracted Richard Florida and many more have instigated some great ideas through

The hitch is that getting a proposal up on the site is only the first step.  Now I need people to vote to have the proposal published as a full manifesto. 

I have made a concscience effort to cultivate my social capital over the years volunteering for alumni groups, doing the business, Facebook and LinkedIn networking thing, so I am hopeful that I’ll get by with a little help from my friends.

Nevertheless, the fact is that we’ll need support from far beyond my personal networks to rise through the changethis ranks, so a couple of phone calls ensued today (it being a national holiday in Canada) with my partners at Context and voila!  A little word of mouth campaign was hatched.

As fate would have it there are some key events coming up in Toronto this week.  As I mentioned over at Joseph Thornley has put together a great panel on Tuesday night who will discuss the issue of measuring social media.  And then there is MESH.

So hopefully we will have a few VOTE SCVA at buttons to hand out at the event but don’t wait!  Please grab the button and link above. Vote and pass, vote and pass at:


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